Meal sponsorships have been a part of Boyle Street’s holiday tradition since our inception in 1971. Our Community Kitchen brings the public and our staff and community members together to build a stronger community.

The Five Star Homes team did just that when they reached out to us to sponsor five meals for our community members this season, spread across February and March.
The team at Five Star Homes understands the power of community and belonging. The company started in 2009 in Edmonton when Amit Sharma, President of Five Star Homes, was expecting his first child and started the hunt for the perfect home. To meet the needs of his family, he decided to put his construction skills to the test and build the home himself! Now, as a dedicated father of three, Amit builds 50-60 homes per year to suit families at every life stage.
Our chef, Ani, serves a helping of baked cheese spaghetti for the meal sponsored by Five Star Homes on Tuesday.
This week, we served two of the meals sponsored by Five Star Homes to feed all of the community members at our downtown Community Centre. Thanks to Five Star Homes’ generosity, we were also able to restock essential ingredients in our Community Kitchen and purchase snacks and desserts to make our community members’ days brighter.
“The opportunity to provide a healthy meal and restock the food supplies for those in need is something we deeply care about, said Sharma. “We are all citizens and residents of this city. Everyone deserves more than just survival.”
Access to warm and hearty meals is particularly important during cold snaps such as this week, with temperatures dropping below -40℃. Knowing that five warm meals will be sponsored by Five Star Homes this month provides great relief to both our community members and staff.
Meal sponsorships are just part of the way Five Star Homes is building a better city by paying it forward. Sharma calls upon others in the industry to consider supporting our community through this challenging year:
“Investing in the community is more than a business directive, it is a profound belief that no one should go hungry or without basic needs. Our communities have given us everything we need to thrive and we need to pay that forward to make a change. We would like to extend a call to our partners, competitors and others in the home building industry to consider doing the same this year.”
Five Star Homes' meal sponsorships were matched dollar-for-dollar thanks to the Heart + Soul Fund by EPCOR.