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Our response to COVID-19

At Boyle Street Community Services, the health and safety of our clients, staff and the children and families that we serve are at the forefront of our decision making throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Any decisions made at this time are being guided by the advice of local health authorities, Alberta Health Services, and the Chief Medical Officer of Health for Alberta. We are changing our service delivery model temporarily to reflect the advice of these health professionals and authorities and will be doing so with the health and safety of our clients and staff in mind.

At this point in time, we will not be accepting any requests for Volunteers, Meal Sponsorships, Tours, or In-Kind Donations at any of our locations; however, if you would like to support our organization, we encourage you to donate online at

Our clients are vulnerable, and many have chronic illness that put them at serious risk should they be exposed to COVID-19. Hence, we are taking every precaution, including limiting the number of clients we have in the Community Centre at one time. One of the biggest challenges our clients will face is that they cannot self-isolate if they are experiencing homelessness. Therefore, if a community member is experiencing symptoms, we will be working closely with public health officials to determine next steps for that individual.

We are an essential service to people who use our programs, especially marginalized populations. We will continue to provide services in a modified capacity to our clients for as long as it is safe to do so.

To protect yourselves and others, please wash your hands for 20 seconds multiple times a day. Cough and sneeze into your elbow and avoid shaking hands. People with fever and/or a cough or shortness of breath are at highest risk of having COVID-19 if they meet any of the following criteria:

In the 14 days before illness onset, they: Travelled anywhere outside of Canada; OR

Had close contact* with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19; OR Had close contact* with a person with acute respiratory illness who has travelled anywhere outside of Canada within the last 14 days before their illness; OR Had laboratory exposure to biological material (e.g. primary clinical specimens, virus culture isolates) known to contain COVID-19 virus.

A close contact is defined as a person who: Provided care for the individual, including healthcare workers, family members or other caregivers, or who had other similar close physical contact with the person without consistent and appropriate use of personal protective equipment OR Lived with or otherwise had close prolonged contact (within 2 metres) with the person while the person was infectious OR

Had direct contact with infectious bodily fluids of the person (e.g. was coughed or sneezed on) while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment. Stay up to date with the latest developments by visiting the Alberta Health Services website.

Thank you for your continued support of our organization and the people who we serve. We will continue to update the public as information changes.


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For General Information Contact Reception
(780) 424-4106​

Boyle Street Finance Office
#201, 14065 Victoria Trail

Edmonton, AB T5Y 2B6

ᐊᒥᐢᑿᒌᐚᐢᑲᐦᐃᑲᐣ (Amiskwacîwâskahikan),

Treaty 6 Territory


Charitable Registration no.: 118814391 RR0001

Boyle Street Community Services is the trade name of The Boyle Street Service Society, an Alberta society and a registered charity.

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