PROGRAM: Sandy's Place: Bridge Housing
REPORTS TO: Rebecca Kaiser
“Despite great challenges we believe unhealthy cycles can be broken, new opportunities created and, through healing, health restored.”
Would you like to be a part of an organization that works with some of Edmonton’s most vulnerable populations and counts on the professionalism, expertise, insight, and passion of its staff to develop programs and services for the clients they work with? Join us at Boyle Street Community Services.
Program Description:
Sandy’s Place Bridge Housing program provides transitional housing tenancies, to provide opportunities for individuals experiencing homelessness to connect with community support and services while working toward securing housing.
Program Outcomes:
We try to create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere and engage residents with meaningful relationships and programming while they are in our bridge housing program. Students of the Sandy's Place Bridge Housing program can hope to gain valuable experience building relationships with community members experiencing barriers to accessing housing and inclusion in society.
Students will become familiar with systemic barriers which contribute to an individual experiencing homelessness and other forms of marginalization related to the stigma around mental illness, addiction, race, and poverty. They will also become familiar with the day-to-day operations of a Bridge Housing Program and the specific work of the person-centred staff that support Bridge Housing tenants.
Students will have the opportunity to learn about different cultures, the Harm Reduction approach, and learn about existing community supports and programs, as well as learning about intersecting stories of individuals by meeting them where they are at in their journey toward securing housing.
The Ideal Student:
The ideal student for this placement will come from a Social Work or Community Services program. Preference is given to students from Indigenous Institutions.
To Apply:
Submit ------ to Human Resources at with the subject line: Sandy's Place Student Placement